The Mystery of the Aztec Tomb
SKILLS: Loyal; super snout
BIO: This happy-go-lucky hound avoids scary situations at all costs, but he’ll do anything for a Scooby Snack!
SKILLS: Lucky; healthy appetite
BIO: This laid-back dude would rather look for grub than search for clues, but he usually finds both!
SKILLS: Athletic; charming
BIO: The leader and oldest member of the gang. He’s a good sport—and good at them, too!
SKILLS: Brains; beauty
BIO: As a sixteen-year-old fashion queen, Daphne solves her mysteries in style.
SKILLS: Clever; highly intelligent
BIO: Although she’s the youngest member of Mystery Inc., Velma’s an old pro at catching crooks.
Something is scaring the workers at an archeological dig in Mexico. Only YOU can help Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang get to the bottom of it.
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The bright green Mystery Machine bounces along a dirt road deep in the jungles of Mexico.
“Are you sure this is the way to the dig?” Fred asks as the van hits a rough bump.
“This is the only road on the map,” Daphne replies. She holds a piece of paper with a few lines drawn on it. “Not that Professor Dinkley sent us much of a map. Velma, your uncle might be a famous archaeologist, but he’s not great at directions.”
“Like, remind me why we’re going to an archeological dig in the middle of nowhere?” Shaggy moans. He and Scooby-Doo munch on Scooby Snacks in the back of the van.
“Because Uncle Cosmo needs our help solving a mystery!” Velma says enthusiastically. “He wants us to investigate what’s scaring his workers away from the dig site.”
“Ris it a ronster?” Scooby shivers.
“A monster? Why didn’t anyone tell me that before we drove to a spooky Aztec pyramid deep in the jungle?” Shaggy yelps and points ahead.
“We’re here!” Daphne says with relief.
The Mystery Machine stops in front of a stone structure covered with vines and small trees. There are shovels and buckets scattered around the pyramid, but there are no people.
“Where is everyone?” Fred wonders as he and the gang climb out of the van. “Hello! Is anyone here? Professor Dinkley?”
“Heelllp!” a faint voice cries.
The gang follows the sound to a heap of rubble at the foot of the pyramid.
“Someone is trapped under those stones!” Daphne realizes. They dig with shovels and their bare hands until they finally see one of the workers. As soon as he is free from the rocks, he tries to run away!
“Wait! Where did everyone go?” Fred asks as he snags the worker’s sleeve.
“El Chupacabra! Xolotl! The god brings the devil dogs!” the man babbles and tears away from Fred’s grasp. The worker runs down the road until he is out of sight.
“Revil rogs?” Scooby gulps. He looks around nervously.
“What’s a cup-a-barbra?” Shaggy asks.
“Chu-pa-ca-bra,” Velma corrects Shaggy. “It’s the dog monster of Mexico.”
“Zoinks! I knew a monster had to be involved!” Shaggy says, alarmed. He wraps his arms around his pal Scooby-Doo. Their teeth chatter in fear.
“Hey, I found something,” Fred announces. He leans into an opening in the pyramid. “When the wall fell on the worker, it exposed this doorway.”
“It’s a clue! Maybe it will lead us to Uncle Cosmo,” Velma suggests. She starts to step into the opening.
“Wait!” Daphne interrupts. She pulls a flashlight out of her purse. “We might need this.”
One by one the gang steps into the dark, ancient pyramid.
“Be careful. This place is probably full of traps,” Velma warns.
The flashlight lights up a fearsome face!
“Yaaa! A dog monster!” Shaggy shrieks.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a carving,” Velma assures her friends. Daphne is curious and reaches out to touch the stone face. As soon as she does, the floor opens under their feet. They fall!
“Jeepers! A trapdoor!” Daphne exclaims.
The friends tumble down a sloping shaft. Below them, the tunnel splits into several branches.
“Stay together! Don’t split up!” Fred shouts. He grabs Velma’s hand.
Shaggy and Scooby clutch each other. Velma reaches for Daphne, but misses! Daphne disappears down a branching tunnel. Fred and Velma slide down a separate shaft. Shaggy and Scooby roll into a third chute.
“Ruh-roh,” Scooby-Doo gulps.
To follow Shaggy and Scooby into a spooky cave, press here.
To follow Daphne into an ancient tomb, press here.
To follow Fred and Velma to an underground city, press here.
Shaggy and Scooby-Doo pop out of the shaft, clutching onto each other in a ball. They bounce and roll along the stone floor.
BONK! They hit a stalagmite. They bounce off the rock and hit another stalagmite.
BING! They bounce off several more stalagmites until they untangle from each other and flop to a stop.
“Whoa! Like, watch out for that first step, Scoob! It’s a doozey,” Shaggy says as his eyes roll around in their sockets.
“Reah, rat’s a roozey!” Scooby agrees.
They are so dizzy, they think they see stars. Actually, it’s the light of tiny candles burning. There’s just enough light to see that they are in a small cave, and it’s filled with skulls!
“Yaaa!” Shaggy and Scooby shriek.
They run—or try to run! The floor is covered with dried bones that act like rollers under their spinning feet. They trip and fall, face-first, in front of the face of a snarling dog.
“It’s the chupacabra!” Shaggy yells.
“Rope, rit’s a rock!” Scooby realizes.
The dog turns out to be a carving in the stalagmite. When they look around at their surroundings, they see that they are in some kind of underground graveyard. It’s spooky, but not scary—until they are confronted by a glowing ghostly figure with a dog’s head!
“I am Xolotl, god of the dead!” it moans. “The living are not allowed here. Prepare to die!”
Xolotl reaches out to grab Shaggy and Scooby.
If Xolotl captures them, press here.
If Shaggy and Scooby escape, press here.
Daphne tumbles out of the shaft and into a small, dark room. She rolls a short distance until she bumps up against something hard. Daphne still has her flashlight, and she swings it around. Carved stone faces grimace back at her.
“Jeepers! More creepy carvings!” Daphne exclaims. The sound of her voice echoes off the walls.
Startled, she scrambles backward, almost dropping the flashlight. Her back hits a solid stone wall.
“Wherever I am, it sure is a tight fit,” Daphne says as the flashlight reveals a small chamber.
Slowly she realizes that she’s in a burial chamber and that the carvings are on a stone tomb! “A sarcophagus!” Daphn
e shouts to no one.
It’s bad enough that Daphne is in a dark, underground tomb with a sarcophagus, but the lid is open!
“Oh, that is not a good sign,” Daphne moans.
Curious, but cautious, Daphne slowly shines the flashlight into the sarcophagus and peers inside.
“I’m almost afraid to look,” she says.
The stone coffin is empty.
“Well, that’s a relief!” Daphne sighs. “I was afraid there was going to be a mummy. Or a vampire!”
Then she notices scratches on the inside of the sarcophagus. With a shudder, Daphne wonders if the person was buried alive and was clawing to get out!
Press here.
Fred and Velma slide down the dark chute as fast as if it were a waterslide. They finally pop out in a large cave. Even more surprising is that there are buildings inside the cave! An underground city!
“The architecture is ancient Aztec, from before the conquistadors arrived. What a discovery!” Velma says.
“Um, weren’t the Aztecs bloodthirsty?” Fred worries.
“Those Aztecs are long gone. Besides, the city looks abandoned,” Velma assures him.
She hurries toward the nearest structure and runs her hands across some painted carvings on the side of the building. “Look how fresh the pigment is! The conditions in the cave must have preserved it,” Velma remarks.
But Fred isn’t looking at the decorations. His eyes are fixed on something more alarming!
“We’re not alone down here!” he gulps.
If a snake monster haunts the city, press here.
If Fred sees dead people, press here.
“Now, Daphne, stop thinking such wild thoughts!” Daphne scolds herself as she forces down her active imagination. “I have to concentrate on finding a way out of here!”
She looks around as best she can with her flashlight. The beam glints off of something shiny on the floor. It’s a piece of gold. Daphne reaches down and picks up a golden cuff. There is a jeweled earring nearby.
“Now I get it. The coffin is open and empty because robbers have been here and stolen treasure from the tomb,” Daphne realizes. She brightens with hope. “If they found a way in, I can find a way out.”
If Daphne discovers a second chamber, press here.
If Daphne accidentally triggers a booby trap, press here.
Shaggy and Scooby float into a huge cave. A modern town is built inside the cavern. They climb out of the stream and investigate.
“Like, maybe we can find something to eat!” Shaggy suggests. “All that danger made me work up an appetite.”
“Reah! I want a ramburger and a rizza and a rot dog,” Scooby slurps.
“I want that, too, with a side of—” Shaggy starts.
HONK! HONK! A truck blows its horn at them! They leap aside and stumble into a café.
SNIFF! SNIFF! “Something smells good!” Shaggy says.
“Hey, you!” a voice demands.
They turn around to see that the customers are all staring at them. A big brute stands up and looms over them.
“You don’t belong here,” he growls.
Shaggy and Scooby start to shake. The brute points a finger at them.
“You should be working. Now get going!” he says.
Shaggy and Scooby sprint from the café. They hop onto the back of a passing truck. It takes them to a huge staging area. There are cargo trucks being loaded with crates. A crane lowers a stack of crates toward the truck Shaggy and Scooby are in. They are forced to jump out or be crushed.
“Where are we?” Shaggy wonders.
“Shaaaggy! Scooby-Doooo!” a faint voice calls.
“Zoinks! The place is haunted!” Shaggy shudders.
“Look up!” the voice says.
They do, and they see the gang and Professor Dinkley in a cage suspended from a crane!
“Oh, hi guys!” Shaggy says.
“Get us down!” Fred says.
Shaggy and Scooby go to the crane and lower their friends to the ground. The gang jumps out of the cage.
“Xolotl captured us! But we watched this whole operation from up there,” Velma says. “It’s an animal smuggling ring!”
“Let’s get out of here and call the police,” Daphne suggests.
“You aren’t going anywhere, you meddling kids!” a voice says.
It’s Xolotl! The god of death is back, and this time he’s backed by a pack of chupacabras. The beasts snarl and bark. Scooby growls back. The chupacabras bark at Scooby and he barks back. Suddenly Scooby looks surprised.
“Roh, really?” he says.
The chupacabras nod. Scooby leaps straight at Xolotl!
Press here.
Daphne searches around the tomb with the flashlight. She is thrilled and hopeful when she sees an opening in the wall of the tomb. It looks like a doorway widened by modern tools.
“This must be where the tomb raiders went!” Daphne realizes.
Daphne rushes through the opening—and screams! There are skeletons on the floor of the second chamber! They hold golden Aztec treasure in their bony hands.
“Oh, no! It’s the tomb robbers!” Daphne chokes. “They never found a way out!”
They died here, Daphne realizes, and so could she.
Daphne looks around desperately for a way to escape. She sees another opening, but it’s small.
“Jeepers, maybe I should lay off the lattes!” Daphne says as she squeezes through the tight gap.
Daphne enters another chamber. This one holds a tiny stone coffin. It’s open, and its contents are scattered all over the room. Daphne sees the mummy of a small dog.
“This must have been the pet of whoever was buried in the main tomb,” Daphne says. She kneels down beside the little mummy. “I’m sorry that the tomb raiders wrecked your grave.”
She collects some of its belongings—a carved stone food bowl and a couple of toys—and places them beside the mummy.
She hears a mournful whimper echo through the chamber.
Press here.
Scooby and Shaggy enjoy their “lazy-river” ride through the underground tunnels until a speedboat nearly runs over them! Then another, and another!
“Like, we’re in the middle of a high-speed boat race. Underground!” Shaggy realizes.
Suddenly Shaggy gets snagged on one of the boats and is dragged through the water like an out-of-control water skier. Scooby tries to doggie paddle out of the way but gets caught by his collar and is flipped into another boat. He lands next to the driver.
“Hurroh,” Scooby greets the driver with a big grin.
The distracted driver hits the wake of the boat in front of him and loses control. He and Scooby fly out of the speedboat!
“YaaAAAhh!” they yell as they soar through the air.
The boat driver splashes into the water while the empty speedboat crashes against the wall of the tunnel and explodes.
Scooby lands in the boat dragging Shaggy. Scooby grins at the driver.
“Hurroh,” Scooby says then pushes the driver overboard. Scooby grabs the wheel and starts steering the boat—badly. He’s a lousy driver.
“Slow down, Scoob!” Shaggy blubbers as he bounces through the water behind the boat.
But Scooby can only go one speed—fast!
The speedboat races along with the rest of the pack until they come out of the narrow tunnels and into a large underground lake.
Press here.
Shivering from the sound of the sad whimper, Daphne searches, but she can’t find a way out of this chamber, either. The flashlight starts to weaken. It flickers ominously, making scary shadows.
Daphne is afraid that there’s no way out of the tomb. After all, the robbers died looking for one.
“Velma warned us about booby traps,” Daphne remembers. “
The thieves must have tripped something that trapped them, and now me, too!”
Daphne sinks to the floor in despair.
“Help!” she whimpers.
Suddenly Daphne hears the sound of a dog barking! She leaps to her feet and follows the sound.
The sound leads Daphne back to the main burial chamber, but now her flashlight goes out. It’s completely dark, and Daphne is frightened. She’s underground in an ancient Aztec grave with no way out!
“Help! Help!” Daphne calls out. Her voice bounces back at her. “It’s no use. No one can hear me. I’m too far underground.”
Then Daphne hears scratching sounds. Is that the mummy’s ghost clawing to get out of his sarcophagus?
“Yip, yip!” comes a noise like the bark of a small dog.
“Scooby-Doo, is that you?” Daphne wonders.
If Daphne sees an Aztec ghost, press here.
If the barking is coming from El Chupacabra, press here.
“Danger! Danger!” an echoing voice bounces off the walls of the room. Fred and Velma jump in alarm!
“I’ve got a plan. Let’s get out of here!” Fred says.
They run out of the building and smack into a group of zombie Aztec warriors! The zombies grab Fred and Velma. As Velma struggles to escape, she kicks her captor in the shin. The creature howls and lets go of her to rub its leg.
“That’s one walking dead guy who’s going to have a limp!” Velma says.
Fred uses a judo toss to flip his zombie attacker over his head. He yells to Velma, “It’s time for Plan B!”
“What’s Plan B?” Velma asks.
“It’s just like Plan A. Run! Only faster!” Fred shouts.
Fred and Velma run inside a building to hide. This one is crowded with giant clay pots with lids. Fred looks around nervously.