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The Mystery of the Aztec Tomb Page 2

  “Are there any mummies in here?” Fred asks.

  “No mummies, just zombies!” Velma reminds him. “I can hear them coming closer! We’ve got to hide!”

  “Quick! Get inside the pots!” Fred says.

  They lift the lids of a couple of random pots and jump inside. But there’s something inside the pot with Fred!

  “Augh! There’s a mummy in here!” Fred shrieks.

  “Augh! Where?!” a voice shrieks back. Arms and legs wrap around Fred inside the giant clay pot.

  The pot tips over and breaks open. That’s when Fred sees Shaggy next to him.

  “That was you inside the pot, not a mummy,” Fred says, relieved. So is Shaggy.

  “Like, are we glad to see you! We were being chased by zombies!” Shaggy says.

  “Rit was rary!” Scooby says as he pops up out of one of the pots.

  Suddenly, zombie warriors burst into the room. Fred and Shaggy jump into different pots to escape. The zombies open the lids and look inside, but that’s when Scooby and Velma pop up and smack the zombies on the head with dried maize cobs. When zombies turn to see who hit them, Fred and Shaggy pop up and smack them from behind!

  Press here.

  An Aztec ghost appears in front of Daphne in the dark! He is in full warrior garb and wears a feathered headdress. He holds a small dog in his arms.

  “Yip! Yip!” the dog barks at Daphne and wags its tail.

  “I must be seeing things!” Daphne decides. “This can’t be real. After all, the tomb is pitch black—I shouldn’t be seeing anything at all!”

  But the dog jumps down out of the man’s arms and runs over to Daphne. It sits at her feet and lolls its tongue and wags its tail. Daphne reaches down and touches its head.

  Her hand goes through the dog like mist!

  Daphne snatches back her hand. Her fingers are as cold as ice!

  “Yip! Yip!” the little dog barks and trots away into the dark.

  “Well, that was weird!” Daphne declares as she watches it disappear.

  “Yip! Yip!” comes a bark from the dark. The dog returns to Daphne and yips again. She realizes that it wants her to follow.

  “Okay, Lassie,” Daphne says and walks after the dog.

  It leads her to a wall of the tomb. There are paintings on the wall. The little dog jumps up and pounces against a picture of a dog, which glows in the dark. In fact, it’s the only light in the chamber.

  “It’s a clue!” Daphne realizes. “Good dog!”

  Daphne reaches out and touches the picture on the wall. A doorway opens up! She sees a tunnel with daylight shining at the end of it.

  “It’s a way out!” Daphne realizes. She turns to thank the little dog, but it’s gone.

  Daphne runs down the tunnel toward the light. Soon she’s out of the pyramid and standing in the jungle.

  “What do you know, I’m not far from the dig site!” Daphne says with relief.

  Daphne sees the rest of the gang gathered near the Mystery Machine. She waves at them and they wave back. Daphne takes one last look back at the exit, but it’s not there!

  Just like the dog, it’s gone.


  To follow another path, press here.

  Fred points to a giant snake-like monster weaving toward them. Giant fangs pop out of its mouth, and its face is surrounded by a mane of feathers. Its eyes are red and glowing. Fred and Velma stand frozen in shock, almost hypnotized by the creature. Then the monster turns and heads down a different avenue. Fred and Velma snap out of their daze.

  “What was that?” Fred asks.

  “Quetzalcoatl! The feathered serpent god of the Aztecs!” Velma gasps.

  “First that worker said he saw Xolotl, and now this. Two Aztec gods in one day? There’s definitely a mystery here!” Fred declares.

  Fred and Velma follow the monster.

  If the subterranean city is full of frightful dangers, press here.

  If they are attacked by Aztec warriors, press here.

  Scooby jumps at Xolotl and knocks him down! Xolotl’s dog mask goes flying.

  “Rhe’s a fake!” Scooby says as he sits on the man’s chest. “The rittle doggies rold me.”

  “He looks familiar,” Velma says.

  “That’s because we’ve met before. I’m C. L. Magnus,” the man reveals.

  “He’s that shipping line owner who robbed his own freighters!” Fred realizes.

  “I’m a landlubber now because of you meddling kids!” Magnus says. “I disguised myself as Xolotl to scare off the dig workers and keep them from discovering my underground smuggling operation. And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for your pesky pet dog.”

  “You solved the mystery, pal!” Shaggy praises Scooby.

  The chupacabras gather around Scooby and howl, “Scooby-Dooby-Dooooo!”


  To follow another path, press here.

  Fred and Velma run after the monster but they can’t find it.

  “It’s gone! Did we imagine it?” Velma wonders.

  “No,” Fred says and points at some tracks in the dust. They follow the trail, but it leads them around and around until they are completely lost. A tall pyramid looms in the center of the city, and they decide that climbing to the top of it would help them get their bearings. They start to walk down a narrow street, heading in that direction.

  “Why are all the walls painted red?” Velma asks.

  “You mean, like the color of blood?” Fred gulps.

  Suddenly spears rain down on them from the rooftops. The air is filled with the sound of shrieking Aztec warriors. Fred and Velma run for their lives!

  Fred and Velma escape the red street, but now they are in one that’s painted blue.

  “It’s as if the streets are color coded,” Velma mutters.

  Then they hear a roar. The sound is not human. It’s coming from a wall of water rushing toward them! The narrow street is like a canyon funneling the huge wave.

  Fred and Velma get swept up and tumble like minnows in a tsunami. The wave crashes and flows down several streets. It comes to a stop at last, but Fred and Velma are trapped in a dead end that fills up like a fish tank. They tread water on the surface, gasping to catch their breath.

  “What’s next? A big rolling boulder?” Fred sputters.

  And then they see the shark.

  Press here.

  Daphne gropes through the dark toward the barking sounds. She can’t see anything, but she keeps going.

  She bumps up against the wall of the tomb. There is a glowing crack that she didn’t notice when the flashlight was working.

  “This is going to ruin my manicure,” Daphne says as she digs with her fingernails.

  The crack begins to crumble and widen. Soon she makes a hole large enough to squeeze through. Daphne squirms through the opening and tumbles into a small cave. Her eyes have to adjust to the bright light in the chamber, but when she can see again, she screams!

  In front of her is El Chupacabra! And a whole pack of little chupacabras! Daphne has entered their underground lair!

  The chupacabras turn toward Daphne and growl at her. They circle like a pack of wolves surrounding its prey.

  “Nice doggies,” Daphne says.

  She reaches into her purse and pulls out a handful of Scooby Snacks. She throws them at the creatures. They rush in to devour the snacks! Daphne runs around them and escapes out the other side of the cave lair.

  Daphne flees down a dim tunnel that opens up into a huge cave. She is stunned to see an Aztec village and pyramid in the center of the cavern. Daphne has only a few moments to think about what she’s seeing. Suddenly she hears dogs growling. She knows it’s the chupacabra pack. They’ve eaten all the Scooby Snacks and now they’re after her!

  Press here.
  Daphne runs through the streets of the underground village. The howling chupacabras are right behind her!

  “Help! Help!” Daphne calls out as she twists and turns along the empty avenues of the underground town.

  No one comes out to help her. Daphne barely has time to wonder why. She doesn’t even have time to knock on a door! She doesn’t dare stop!

  The pack is faster than Daphne. The chupacabras catch up with their target at last!

  “I’m doomed!” Daphne gulps.

  The chupacabra pack swarms all over her. They lick her face! They’re just a pack of hungry mutts who are happy for the Scooby Snacks and want more!

  “Nice doggies!” Daphne laughs with relief.

  Press here.

  Suddenly Velma disappears below the surface! Fred thinks the shark has pulled her under. He dives down, determined to save her!

  Fred is surprised to see Velma pulling out one of the shark’s eyes. EWWW! But the eye is mechanical, just like the shark. The machine sinks to the bottom of the tank.

  Velma and Fred swim to the surface where they hear clanging alarm bells and lots of shouting. The water drains away as quickly as it filled up. They soon stand high and not so dry next to the broken shark.

  A loud voice shouts at them angrily, “You broke my monster!”

  Fred and Velma look up to see a man riding on a boom camera.

  “It’s a movie! The shark is a prop!” Fred realizes. “Velma, how did you know?”

  “A subterranean shark? That only happens in bad movies! That’s when I realized the snake and the shark were fake,” Velma replies.

  “Hey! I know you meddling kids!” the man exclaims.

  Velma dries off her glasses and studies him. “I recognize you! You’re Carl, the stuntman who wanted to star in Daphne’s Uncle Maxwell’s movie.”

  “I’m a director now, and the star of my own movie—Subterranean Shark!” Carl says.

  “No way! I love monster movies!” Fred gasps.

  Fred and Carl walk away in enthusiastic conversation. Velma just rolls her eyes. “Well, that’s another mystery solved. But the mystery of movie geeks? That’s one I’ll never get.”


  To follow another path, press here.

  Xolotl grabs Scooby by the collar and Shaggy by his shirt. He drags them across the subterranean graveyard. Suddenly an elevator door opens! Xolotl drags his captives into the elevator and it descends.

  “This Xolotl guy is the god of the dead, and we’re heading down. You know what that means, Scoob!” Shaggy moans.

  “Reah. Re’re doomed!” Scooby whimpers.

  The elevator clanks and grinds on cranky gears and finally shudders to a halt. The doors open. Terrified, the pals close their eyes.

  “I can’t look!” Shaggy says.

  “Re neither!” Scooby replies.

  The elevator doors creak open. Scooby and Shaggy fall to their knees in terror. They’re too afraid to look where Xolotl has brought them.

  “Get up and walk! I refuse to drag you two another step!” Xolotl demands of his captives.

  Scooby and Shaggy wobble to their feet. They start walking, but they keep their eyes closed. Shaggy immediately trips over Scooby. They get tangled up in a ball and start to roll. Xolotl chases after them but can’t catch up. Shaggy and Scooby are escaping and don’t even know it!

  If a tiger—yes, a tiger!—thinks Scooby and Shaggy are a ball to play with, press here.

  If Scooby and Shaggy roll down a mineshaft, press here..

  The feathered serpent leads Fred and Velma to an Aztec pyramid in the center of the subterranean city. Velma can’t help but comment on the architecture.

  “Everything looks almost new! It’s amazing!” she says.

  A door opens up in the pyramid, and the snake monster glides inside. Just as Fred and Velma reach the door, it slams shut. They search, but there’s no visible way to open it from the outside. The seams are so tight that no one would ever know a door was even there.

  “We’ve got to get inside the pyramid if we’re going to solve this mystery,” Velma says.

  “Or, maybe we should run,” Fred says and points at something behind her!

  Fierce Aztec warriors march toward them with sharp swords raised. Fred starts to flee, but Velma doesn’t move.

  “Aztecs didn’t have metal swords,” she mutters.

  Fred grabs her by the wrist and they run. Arrows fly past their heads. One embeds itself in a wall next to Velma’s face.

  “That arrow is tipped with steel. Something’s wrong with this picture,” Velma observes.

  They duck into an open doorway and hide in the shadows as the warriors race past. Velma watches them go, still mulling over the historical mistakes.

  “This is weird. Look!” Fred says. The room is full of stacked crates and boxes, spools of cable, and some modern tools.

  “The ancient Aztecs didn’t have these, either,” Velma says.

  Press here.

  “Zoinks! It’s time to make tracks, Scoob!” Shaggy yelps.

  Shaggy and Scooby turn and run! This time they have traction. They race down a dark tunnel. Thick cobwebs threaten to tangle them up like ropes. Their wild rush disturbs a colony of albino bats that flutter around them like a swarm of mosquitoes. And the whole time the glowing ghost of Xolotl follows them!

  The tunnel ends when it meets an underground stream. The pals stop at the edge. There’s nowhere else to go. Xolotl makes a grab for them, but they jump into the water.

  “Geronimo!” Shaggy shouts.

  “Scooby-Dooby-Dooo!” Scooby howls.

  They splash into the stream and are happy to escape the god of the dead. Until they come face-to-face with albino cave piranhas!

  Press here.

  “Zoinks! Man-eating ghost fish!” Shaggy gulps.

  Shaggy and Scooby churn their arms and legs like motorboat propellers. They zoom away from the piranhas. They speed downstream and plunge over a small waterfall. Suddenly they are in midair, their legs still spinning.

  “Ruh-roh, another roozey!” Scooby says.

  They drop a short distance and splash into a calm pool of water. They look around, but there are no piranhas. They are in a wonderland of glowing moss and albino lizards clinging to the walls.

  Scooby flattens out like a plank and floats with Shaggy riding on him like a canoe as they drift with the current.

  If the stream takes them to an underground town, press here.

  If Shaggy and Scooby drift into a dangerous situation, press here.

  Fred and Velma each grab a heavy tool for protection and cautiously creep out of the building. Velma looks at the architecture with new insight.

  “The reason the paint on these buildings looks so fresh is because it is fresh. This is new construction,” Velma says.

  “Who would want to build a subterranean Aztec city?” Fred wonders.

  “Xolotl,” Velma says and points at the pyramid.

  On top of the central pyramid a robed figure lifts his arms high and spins in a strange dance. Their attention is focused on him so they don’t notice what’s behind them until Velma feels a hand clamp down on her shoulder! She looks down at it. It’s not a hand. It’s a paw.

  “Yaaa! El Chupacabra!” Velma shrieks.

  “Yaaa! Where?!” Shaggy yelps as he looks around in terror.

  Fred and Velma turn and see the rest of the gang. It was Scooby’s paw on Velma’s shoulder.

  “We’ve been wandering around the city looking for a way out and haven’t found one,” Daphne says.

  “Well, somebody’s found us!” Fred says as a group of Aztec warriors surrounds them.

  Velma faces the warriors with the heavy wrench in her hands and says bravely, “Take us to your leader.”

  The gang is marc
hed through the streets to the pyramid. They get into an elevator and ride to the top of the structure. Now Velma knows for certain that the city is new. They exit the elevator and face Xolotl, Aztec god of the dead!

  “Nice city you’ve got, Xolotl—but that’s not who you really are.” Velma says.

  Xolotl raises his arms and makes growling noises, but Velma doesn’t budge. Her friends shiver and tremble, but Velma shakes her wrench at the death god.

  “Everything about this place is fake, and so are you!” Velma declares.

  She drops the heavy tool on the ground close to Xolotl’s feet. He jumps back.

  “A god shouldn’t be afraid of a little toe bruise,” Velma says. “But you aren’t a god.”

  Velma reaches out as quickly as a feathered serpent and snatches the mask off Xolotl’s head. Everyone gasps at what they see!

  Press here.

  Daphne wanders through the streets of the underground city looking for a way out. The dogs follow her, begging for more Scooby Snacks. She sees a large crowd around the pyramid.

  “That’s where everyone is!” Daphne realizes.

  They’re watching an Aztec priest perform a crazy dance on top of the structure. Shaggy and Scooby are up there too, and they’re tied up!

  Daphne runs toward the pyramid. The pack follows her. Strangely, the people barely move when they see the chupacabras. It’s like they’re sleep walking.

  Daphne scrambles up the steep steps to save her friends. She reaches the top just as the Aztec priest finishes his strange dance.

  Daphne knocks the priest away from Shaggy and Scooby. He loses his balance and tumbles over the side of the pyramid.

  “Are we glad to see you!” Shaggy says as Daphne unties them. “That Xolotl guy was about to put a curse on us!”