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The Mystery of the Aztec Tomb Page 3

  They look down at the priest lying at the bottom of the pyramid. His headdress is shattered. The crowd wanders around as if coming out of a dream. Among those people are Velma, Fred, and Professor Dinkley.

  Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby run down the pyramid to their friends.

  “What happened?” Daphne asks them.

  “What happened?” they ask in reply.

  Suddenly Xolotl jumps to his feet and starts to run!

  The chupacabra pack swarms Xolotl and knocks him down. They chomp onto his dog-head mask and tear it off!

  “I recognize this guy! It’s Harry the Hypnotist!” Daphne says.

  “That’s right! I used an experimental mind-control device in the headdress to make the villagers think I was the Aztec god, Xolotl. Then I ordered them to mine precious gems and minerals from the caves,” Harry confesses. “I didn’t want Professor Dinkley to discover the underground operation, so I abducted him and scared off the workers. And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”

  “Another mystery solved!” Shaggy says.

  “I think this time the credit goes to the dogs!” Daphne laughs as the chupacabras beg for more Scooby Snacks.


  To follow another path, press here.

  A boat zips past Scooby’s speedboat as the race enters the open waters of the underground lake. The wake flips Shaggy onto the bow of Scooby’s boat. He stands on the bow like a surfer riding a wave.

  “Hurraaahhh!” a loud cheer goes up.

  That’s when Shaggy and Scooby see bleachers full of people watching the race! Shaggy and Scooby wave at them.

  Distracted, Scooby doesn’t watch where he’s going and drives the boat off course and onto the shore. The boat stops, but the pals go flying! They somersault through the air and land on their feet.

  “Nice form, Scoob!” Shaggy says.

  “Rank rou,” Scooby replies. Then his eyes go as wide as dinner plates. “Ruh-roh!”

  A pack of chupacabras race toward them!

  “Ruparabras!” Scooby yells.

  “Relax, Scoob. They’re just racing dogs,” Shaggy assures his pal. “We landed in the middle of a track. Zoinks! We’re in the middle of a track!”

  The dogs chase Shaggy and Scooby around the racetrack. As soon as they cross the finish line, a voice comes over a loudspeaker.

  “And the winner is Scooby-Doo!” the voice announces.

  “Huh? How’d he know your name, Scoob?” Shaggy wonders.

  “Ri rust be ramous!” Scooby says.

  “I don’t think they want your autograph!” Shaggy says and points at a group of armed guards running toward them.

  Shaggy and Scooby turn to flee but collide with the robed and masked figure of Xolotl.

  “The death god! We’re doomed,” Shaggy says as the two pals faint!

  Press here.

  “We meet again, Harriet Mullins! I see you’re still stealing priceless relics,” Velma says to the unmasked Xolotl.

  “Velma Dinkley? How did you get here?” Harriet replies.

  “I asked her and her friends to come solve the mystery of who was scaring off my workers,” Professor Dinkley says.

  “It looks like that mystery is solved,” Fred declares as he unties Daphne and Uncle Cosmo.

  “I recognized Jocko from our last encounter. Your own parrot gave you away,” Velma says.

  “Jocko! Jocko! Gave you away!” the bird says and flaps his wings.

  “Stupid bird!” Harriet says and knocks him off her shoulder.

  Jocko flutters over to Velma and lands on her shoulder. She pets his feathers and says, “Jocko is a good bird. Aren’t you Jocko?”

  “You meddling kids!” Harriet grumbles as Fred ties her hands. “I disguised myself as Xolotl to scare off Cosmo’s workers. The subterranean city is filled with treasure, and I didn’t want anyone to discover my looting operation. I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for that loud-mouthed parrot!”

  “Jocko did a great job and deserves a reward. How about a Scooby Snack?” Daphne says.

  She holds up a treat, and Jocko, Scooby, and Shaggy all straighten up. Daphne tosses each of them a Scooby Snack. Jocko flaps his feathers and squawks.

  “Scooby-Dooby-Doooo!” Jocko says.

  Scooby chuckles. He flaps his elbows like wings and repeats, “Scooby-Dooby-Dooo!”


  To follow another path, press here.

  Daphne searches around the tomb with the flashlight. The walls are painted with the images of the person who was buried here. She notices an attractive piece of jewelry painted on the wall and inlaid with sparkling stones.

  “Oh! That’s gorgeous!” Daphne says, sighing. She reaches out to touch it. “Um, maybe not. I remember what happened the last time I touched something in this Aztec pyramid. It opened a trapdoor!”

  Daphne pulls back her hand and takes a step away from the wall. Just like that, she hears a CLICK under her heel.

  “Uh-oh!” Daphne gasps.

  The floor opens and she falls!

  If Daphne comes face-to-face with Xolotl, press here.

  If Daphne discovers a treasure chamber, press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby wake up in a room with their hands tied behind their backs. The rest of the gang is there, too, and they’re tied up as well.

  “At last, you meddling kids of Mystery, Inc. are my captives. Now I can have my revenge,” Xolotl gloats.

  “Since you know us, you obviously aren’t Xolotl. You’re a fake, but who are you?” Velma says.

  “Why don’t you solve the mystery!” Xolotl challenges.

  “Well, the pitch of the voice tells me it’s a man,” Daphne says.

  “His accent is American,” Fred deduces. “He could be Sam Crenshaw. He found that underground city. We’re underground.”

  “Or it could be Buck Master. He dog-napped Scooby once,” Daphne suggests.

  “Oh! I bet it’s that lawyer, Cosgoode Creeps! He was just . . . creepy,” Shaggy says.

  Xolotl rips off his mask and throws it to the ground.

  “No!” he fumes. “I’m not any of those losers!”

  His face is revealed, but no one recognizes him.

  “I’m Crocker Pitt, the racecar driver!” he says. “Because of you kids I can’t show my face on the official race circuit anymore, so I went underground—literally. The caves under the Aztec pyramid were a perfect place for my racing and gambling ring, until Professor Dinkley started digging.”

  Suddenly Velma, Daphne, and Fred burst free of their bonds and tackle Pitt!

  “You’re lousy at tying knots,” Fred says and ties up Pitt with his own ropes.

  “Guys, a little help? Scooby and I aren’t so good at untying knots,” Shaggy says.


  To follow another path, press here.

  Fred and Velma run! They crash through the brittle clay wall of the chamber, leaving human-shaped silhouettes. They crash through wall after wall until they suddenly find themselves falling.

  They splash into slimy water. The vampire and the chupacabra stare down at Fred and Velma from above, then disappear. As Velma and Fred tread water, they see that the walls of the well are honeycombed with holes and openings of all sizes.

  “I’ve got a plan,” Fred says. “We can use those holes as handholds and climb out of here.”

  They try to climb, but their hands are slimy and the wall is slick with algae. They’ll never make it to the top. They’re doomed!

  But then Fred and Velma reach an opening in the wall and crawl into it.

  “It’s a tunnel! And there’s a light at the end,” Velma says.

  The slime makes them slip uncontrollably down the tunnel. They pop out into a vampire lair and are i
mmediately surrounded.

  “I’ll protect you, Velma!” Fred vows. He grabs the nearest object to defend them. It’s a bag of potato chips. “Since when do vampires eat potato chips?”

  Suddenly a vampire and a chupacabra run into the lair.

  “Some tourists fell into the cenote! We’ve got to help—” he shouts. Then he sees Fred and Velma. “Oh. Never mind.”

  He plops down into a comfy chair and takes out his fake fangs.

  “You’re not vampires. You’re a bunch of kids!” Fred gasps in surprise.

  “Hey, look who’s calling us kids!” one of the vampires laughs and snatches the bag of chips from Fred.

  The vampires and the chupacabras break their ring around Fred and Velma. They all plop down in comfy chairs and proceed to ignore their unexpected visitors. Velma looks at their surroundings.

  “This is their clubhouse! They’re only pretending to be vampires for fun,” Velma concludes.

  Fred looks closer at their pale faces. “Great makeup, guys! Sorry I didn’t realize it sooner. I’m used to seeing masks.”

  He leans over to Velma and whispers: “What about those chupacabras?”

  “I think they’re just pets,” Velma whispers back.

  “Oh, now I get it,” Fred says. “These kids are the ones who scared off your Uncle Cosmo’s workers. Not cool, guys.”

  “Hey we didn’t mean to! We were just exploring the tunnels down here. Some of them lead to the pyramid,” one of the boys explains. That gives Velma an idea.

  “You can make it up to Uncle Cosmo by showing him the tunnels and guiding him around the underground city,” Velma suggests.

  The boys agree.

  “Great. Now can one of you show us the way out of here? I need a shower!” Velma says.


  To follow another path, press here.

  Daphne slides down another chute. It’s full of thick, sticky spiderwebs.

  “Eww! Eww!” Daphne sputters.

  She emerges from the chute covered in spider goo and albino spiders the size of her fist. They crawl in her hair and over her clothes. As Daphne flails her arms and twists her body to get them off, she stumbles out of darkness and into light. Her eyes are dazzled by the sudden brightness. She can’t see, but she can hear screaming.

  “The Death Monster of Mictlan!” a voice shouts.

  Daphne looks around for the monster. She sees a man dressed as an ancient Aztec warrior, wearing a snarling dog mask. Then she sees her friends tied to wooden stakes. They are surrounded by chupacabras!

  Press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby clutch each other and bounce like a ball. Suddenly they hear the roar of a giant cat. They feel its paws batting them around like a toy.

  The pals hit a bump and untangle. They land in a flop on top of each other. Resting on top of them is a tiger! It looks a little dazed.

  “What’s a tiger doing in an Aztec pyramid?” Shaggy wonders.

  “Ri don’t care. Run!” Scooby says.

  They run—right into an open cage. The door clangs shut and locks.

  “That kitty can’t get us now! We’re safe!” Shaggy sighs with relief.

  But Scooby points to something behind Shaggy and gulps. “Ri don’t rink so!”

  Shaggy sees that they are in a cave full of stacks of caged animals. There are parrots and monkeys and jungle cats and tanks of tropical fish.

  “Is this is a zoo?” Shaggy wonders.

  “Shaggy! Scooby!” a voice says. It’s coming from the animals in the next cage.

  “Like, I didn’t know other animals could talk like you, Scoob!” Shaggy says and scratches his head like a confused monkey.

  “Re neither!” Scooby replies.

  They look at the animals in the cage and realize it’s Fred, Daphne, and Velma dressed up in animal costumes!

  “Like, what’s with the animal costumes?” Shaggy says.

  “It’s an animal smuggling ring!” Velma says. “Xolotl dressed us up so no one would know we’re human. He plans to ship us out of here. We have to escape!”

  The gang shakes the bars of the locked cages. Everyone looks at Daphne, expecting her to save the day. She shrugs.

  “I’m sorry! I lost my purse!” Daphne says.

  Press here.

  Suddenly Fred catches a glimpse of a shadowy shape race past the door outside.

  “What was that?” he yelps.

  They hear a flapping sound.

  “It’s probably just some bats,” Velma concludes.

  “Not vampire bats, I hope!” Fred shudders.

  “Don’t worry, Fred. They only drink blood from animals. Hmm, come to think of it, so does El Chupacabra. Its name means ‘goat sucker’ after all. Maybe there’s a connection!” Velma says.

  Fred does not look comforted. “Velma, sometimes the less I know the better.”

  Velma shrugs and they both laugh. Suddenly a hideous face appears in the doorway! It has pale skin and fangs. Standing next to it is a gruesome canine with glowing red eyes.

  “Yaaa! A vampire!” Fred shrieks.

  “Yaaa! A chupacabra!” Velma yells.

  If Fred and Velma flee, press here.

  If the monsters are not what they seem, press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby jump into another forklift and race after the truck.

  “Whoaaa! I wish I knew how to drive this thing!” Shaggy says as he knocks over crates and cages.

  The cage doors pop open and animals escape. Suddenly the cave is in chaos! Xolotl comes running to see what the commotion is all about.

  SCREEECH! The truck carrying the rest of the gang slams on its brakes when confronted by the tiger. Shaggy swerves to avoid hitting the truck and snags Xolotl by his robes. The dog mask flies off Xolotl and lands on Scooby’s head!

  The forklift crashes to a stop against a cage. Xolotl is tossed into the cage and the door slams shut.

  Press here.

  The gang gathers around the caged Xolotl, now revealed to be a man.

  “I knew Xolotl had to be a disguise when Shaggy mentioned costumes. But who is this guy? He looks familiar,” Velma says.

  “I’m Randal Bakko and I wish I’d never met you meddling kids!” the man grumbles.

  “You smuggled animals in Africa! You called yourself Randar the Ape Man!” Fred recalls.

  “He disguised himself as Xolotl to scare the workers from Uncle Cosmo’s dig to keep his smuggling ring a secret,” Velma concludes. “Say, where is Uncle Cosmo?”

  “Help!” comes a voice from a nearby cage. It’s Uncle Cosmo in a gorilla costume. Another gorilla is hugging him. “Would someone please tell this lady gorilla that I’m married?”


  To follow another path, press here.

  Daphne twirls her purse and flings it at Sammy. THWAK! It hits him on the chin and he falls down. She shouts a command at the chupacabra dogs and they swarm him.

  “Nice throw!” Fred says.

  Daphne sets her friends free. Then she bends down and wags a finger at Sammy.

  “You are going to show us the way out of this cave or you’ll end up as a chupacabra chew toy,” Daphne tells him. Scooby-Doo and the chupacabra dogs growl at him.

  “Okay! Okay! You’re the new goddess in town,” Sammy says.

  Daphne pats him on the head.

  “Good boy,” Daphne says with a smile.


  To follow another path, press here.

  “Gibby Norton!” the gang says in unison.

  “Hi, Velma! How do you like my theme park?” Gibby giggles.

  “I think you should have studied Aztec history better,” Velma replies.

  Daphne is annoyed. “Gibby, I know you’ve had a crush on Velma since you were kids, but will you please stop tr
ying to impress her with these ridiculous schemes?”

  “Aw, Daphne, you have no sense of romance! Besides, I’ve always wanted my own theme park!” Gibby says. He waves his hand as if creating an image in the air. “Can’t you see it? Gibbyland!”

  “So you dressed up as Xolotl and scared away Uncle Cosmo’s workers to attract tourists?” Velma says.

  “No, I was just testing out my act, but that’s a great idea!” Gibby replies.

  Gibby links arms with Velma and walks toward the pyramid’s elevator.

  “So, Velma, tell me what I did wrong with the Aztec history! You know I value your opinion!” Gibby says.

  Fred and Daphne roll their eyes. The Aztec warriors look confused. “So, are we on a break now?” they wonder.

  Shaggy and Scooby peer over the edge of the steep pyramid.

  “Like, this would make a great water slide!” Shaggy says.

  “Rho reeds water?” Scooby replies.

  “I like the way you think, pal!” Shaggy says and grabs a plank of construction plywood. The pals ride it down the side of the pyramid like a surfboard.

  “Scooby-Dooby-Dooooo!” they shout.


  To follow another path, press here.

  “I am Xolotl, god of the Aztecs, ruler of the underworld! Kneel before me!” Xolotl demands as he points at Daphne.

  Daphne pays no attention. She is focused on the man’s modern wristwatch. Clearly, he’s a fake! She takes a closer look at the chupacabras. They are simply small, hairless dogs.

  “Sit!” Daphne commands the dogs. They sit obediently.

  The crowd is impressed. Daphne decides that two can play this game. She is still covered with cobwebs and albino spiders. She spreads her arms and makes a declaration.

  “I am the goddess Daphne! Kneel before me!” she shouts.